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OOO on my Gen 1 Macbook


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(for the sake of preventing reading errors, I'm going to write "Oldblivion" as "Old-blivion")


I've been working on this for a few days now, starting with bootcamping my macbook and getting windows 7 installed on a partition, installing GOTY version of Oblivion, and then messing with Old-blivion to get it to work.


At that point, I have Vanilla Oblivion, version 1.1.5, working with Old-blivion and getting about 40-60 fps, and at worst around 25-30fps. This is playable, and I don't mind the graphics that much at all.


Unfortunately, I absolutely love Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, and can't quite stand Vanilla anymore. So, I downloaded the latest version of OOO and ran into some slow down issues in certain places. The examples and saved states I used for the most part is the middle third of the tutorial section, and a save state in "A Fighting Chance," where there is a sword and a.. pole weapon leaning against the wall.


The issue is this.. when I look at these things, a chest here or there or those weapons leaning against the wall, my fps drops to about 2. I can barely control, but the instant I look away my FPS goes back up to 45+.


Thinking it was a conflict between the latest version of OOO and my 1.1.5 Oblivion, I found a "mini-patch" that would allow Old-blivion to function well with the latest patch of Oblivion, which then allowed me to install the latest version of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, and then installed OOO ontop of all that. For this step, I did do a fresh install of Oblivion, patched it, added Old-blivion, in the order specified by the latest Oldblivion, and then when that was all working I installed the latest OOO.


But, sadly I still had the same exact issues.


I haven't installed Shivering Isles yet, so I don't know if that would help or hurt the situation..




Part of OOO's additions (*some* weapons and *some* chests, but always the same ones) severely slow down my game, but only when looking straight at them. I'm pretty up to date with patches and versions of mods, so.. yeah. Help?

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simple but effective: type disable in the console. more complicated: replace the items manually by hand in the tes construction set or you could even optimise the .nif files in question itself.

otherwise i dont know. maybe someone else has a better solution avaible.


ps: now that i can think of there is also a tool called streamline and of that type there is also a similar tool. one that does not let your fps fall lower then specified. eventually it might be able to compensate if you not already have it running in the first place that is. i dunno.

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simple but effective: type disable in the console. more complicated: replace the items manually by hand in the tes construction set or you could even optimise the .nif files in question itself.

otherwise i dont know. maybe someone else has a better solution avaible.


ps: now that i can think of there is also a tool called streamline and of that type there is also a similar tool. one that does not let your fps fall lower then specified. eventually it might be able to compensate if you not already have it running in the first place that is. i dunno.


what does typing "disable" do? Do you mean looking at the object, selecting it, and then typing disable? I can see that helping with locations I visit on a regular basis..


I don't think I'm talented enough to go in there and change meshes.


I'm going to try using this texture mod for OOO that'll reduce the quality.. I fear it is the meshes themselves though..

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I tried the "disable" thing and it completely fixed any spot that had an item that would drop the FPS. I'm still not sure what exactly makes some items do this and others don't.


Right now I'm downloading a replacement pack of meshes for OOO that have been PyFFI-ed, so I'll try that next.


Also, I tried adding the HGEC body mod for fun as well as the EVE stock armor change thing, and it completely drops my fps by about 15 frames.. Guess I'll have to find optimized versions of those too..

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The replacement pack of meshes for OOO that were PYFFI-Ed fixed a lot of issues but introduced a few new ones. While the chests and weapons that used to slow my fps to a crawl are now not affecting the frame rate, the guards' armor did affect the fps adversely.


I went back in and replaced all the armor in the game with the default armor set from OOO and now the game is working perfectly as far as I've gotten.


I tried to PyFFI the HGEC EVE stock meshes but it turned my fps from around 10 to about .5, so still working on that, but as it is ive successfully got The latest Oblivion with the latest OOO running at 30+ fps on my first gen MacBook, so.. Yay!



Edit: Also, thanks to hoshi23's suggestions. It helped me narrow down what was wrong and pointed me in the right direction to get this working.

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