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What is wrong with this script?

iTz Rossss X

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I've been making a script for a forge that allows you to make your own staff, here it is:


scn aaaFrozenFurnace01SCRIPT


int button

int buttonPressed


Begin OnActivate

if IsActionRef player == 1

messageBox "Would you like to create a diamond staff? It requires 50 pieces of flawless diamond.", "Yes.", "No.";

set buttonPressed to 1




begin Gamemode

if buttonPressed == 1

set button to getbuttonpressed


if button > -1

if button == 0

; if player.getitemcount Gem6DiamondFlawless == 50;

player.removeitem Gem6DiamondFlawless 50

player.additem aaaWEAPDiamondStaff01 1


message "You don't have enough flawless diamonds. (You need 50.)"


elseif button == 1

; return







If I don't have the 50 diamonds requirements it still gives me the diamond staff. What can I do to fix this?


Thanks in advance.




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Take out the ; (semicolon) at the beginning of this line:


; if player.getitemcount Gem6DiamondFlawless == 50;




Semi colon makes the line a comment, which is ignored by the script.

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Added to that, I would make >= 50 of that, as without it would force the player to have 50 diamonds even though the player might have more of them.
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