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Far Cry

Entry Point Not Found


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So after playing around half way through the game I decided to start tinkering with the game by installing some of the wonderful compilations available in Nexus. After trying to install one, I got this error after launching the game.


farcry3.exe - Entry Point Not Found


The procedure entry point UPLAY_USER_GetCdKeys could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files (x86)\FarCry 3\bin \FC3.dll


I have been searching the net for quite a while on how to fix this but i cant really find a way to fix it.


Any help will be greatly appreciated since the overhauls around here seem to make the game so much better.

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Alright guys hear me out, i know this is late but if someone search or have the same issues then this reply will usefull someday

Hear me out, this error is caused by some pirate games for example steamunlocked, repackgames, etc but there a way to fix this, first let me explain why this happen in my opinion

it was the CD keys, if you purchased some games there something call CD keys which if you lost or deleted the game but you have the CD keys then i think you can reinstalled it, but since we downloaded the pirate games (sometimes setup or zip) there's no CD keys because the FC3.dll and FC3_d3d11.dll is modified, which is why the Far Cry 3 can run properly and also Maybe the version of the farcry 3. in 2024 now is v1.0.5 if your version lower than that, then that's what making the far cry 3 crash you have 3 option update from the FC3Updater.exe or Install the new one (Recommended) or maybe Buying the Game 🙂

Anyway that is just my opinion there's a way to fix it but having a many backside and its really really, simple just don't replace the FC3.dll and FC3_d3d11.dll with the Ziggys mod one because i think this mod request a CD keys but we don't have one and i already try this with the pirated one and its work really normally except something was off

1. Our Melee Knife set back to machete

Yes if you equiped a japanese tanto, then your die in the games respawn in some captured outpost then your melee will be set back to original machete

2.Hard mode is missing

Yes the Hardmode is missing, but you can change it in option, gameplay, and set Game Difficulty to whatever you want

and maybe more i just to lazy to type everything in, But yeah that's how to fix it just try to find FC3.dll and FC3_d3d11.dll Backups and search with compatible version you in mine is v1.01 and yeah even its really old but if you have the FC3.dll then you more likely fine


Ignore the .dll file is not installed correctly

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