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Scripting problem


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So I was able to find where the error occurs (thanks @JJ2189); altough the scan is running and doesn't abort, it returns wrong values in terms of the NPC counter. The value displayed is higher than the actual amount of enemies around; but when I spawn an enemie and kill them after that the value is first increased by one, than decreased by on, which shows that the scan is still running.

Now the question is: What's wrong with the NPC counter/scanner?


Also @Fallout2AM, could you explain what you meant with the following statement?

I just noticed you wrote "the scan is done in every frame". Are you using a spell / object script maybe? I'm not sure you can scan with depth 3 in a single frame concerning the different situations that can happen ingame, different modded installations etc. I find that riskful, I would use a quest with default delay.

BTW, I'm very thankful for your help so far. :smile:

Edited by Patzifist
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What I was meaning is that... well, it's pretty personal, I'm sure many people would have different opinions about that.


All I can tell is a personal experience. I have a scanner in a GameMode block attached to a quest. Every scanned reference passes through 5 nested conditional statements. Smart conditionals, sure, but that's absolutely a wrong way to approach it, I would need to rewrite it with stages and putting datas in an array, anyway that's not really the point. Now this is what happens: as it is, it works fine and very fast until I switch the ENB. With ENB on, it requires eight seconds delay to be sure it won't randomly break. That's pretty crazy if you hear me. Once the scan breaks, it breaks the script forever until I don't reload. I don't want to know what could happen if that poultry of datas goes inside a savegame, I just try to avoid riskful situations I can't foresee...

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What I was meaning is that... well, it's pretty personal, I'm sure many people would have different opinions about that.


All I can tell is a personal experience. I have a scanner in a GameMode block attached to a quest. Every scanned reference passes through 5 nested conditional statements. Smart conditionals, sure, but that's absolutely a wrong way to approach it, I would need to rewrite it with stages and putting datas in an array, anyway that's not really the point. Now this is what happens: as it is, it works fine and very fast until I switch the ENB. With ENB on, it requires eight seconds delay to be sure it won't randomly break. That's pretty crazy if you hear me. Once the scan breaks, it breaks the script forever until I don't reload. I don't want to know what could happen if that poultry of datas goes inside a savegame, I just try to avoid riskful situations I can't foresee...

I didn't really get that. What's ENB? And in which way should I change my script?

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ENB mods. Any ENB that changes my graphic in some heavy way (SSAO, DoF, etc.) slows down my script execution in a terrible and irrational way, many times worser than the drop of frame rates, that's something I still have to find a technical reason to that. Anyway since ENBs are wonderful and people (and me) use them, I test my scripts with them too.


For that reason I tend to use very light objects scripts / spells / npcs / whatever / everything that runs every frame. I was questioning myself if a scanner that checks for actors in 25 cells should be considered light or heavy, because I personally would have used a quest script for that.

Edited by Fallout2AM
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For that reason I tend to use very light objects scripts / spells / npcs / whatever / everything that runs every frame. I was questioning myself if a scanner that checks for actors in 25 cells should be considered light or heavy, because I personally would have used a quest script for that.

Sorry, but I don't get that either :(

What do you mean with light and heavy? And yet I use a quest script? O.o

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if it doesn't do what you want, you should do some ingame debug, printing ref values on console, saving console on file and checking them etc. everything you can to track down what's the real issue. Because as I said I personally never had issues with scanners and I doubt these functions are bugged.

Actually you have many choices if you want: print the found refs on a file, increase quest delay time, decrease scan depth, scan another type (42), use my scanner and adapt to your script and see if the results are the same.

Edited by Fallout2AM
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