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Mod newbie


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I really like Oblivion and wanted to try some new stuff but I'm having trouble installing certain mods (ex body mods) not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've installed some others without trouble (ex BTmod) so idk if I'm just missing something. Sorry for asking what's probably a dumb question but could someone please explain what I need to do?


btw this is my first time here so please excuse me for being dense ^_^

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Welcome to TesNexus

First, if you have either Vista or Win7

For Vista and Win7 related problems such as UAC, Check here:



Many body mods will not have an esp part, so will not show up in the data list. Even if they are working. Also, the face is NOT included in the body. You will probably have to strip to see any difference in the body at all.


As for the BT mod. That one is pretty old (4 years) and has mostly been superseded by the Darnified UI mod which is easier to install, has nearly everything the BT mod had plus a LOT more.




Here is a link to my mod advice

Link to Bben's Mod Advice


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