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ENB Issues...


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I'm having a lot of trouble getting my game to work properly, lately, and I haven't even installed any mods. And as far as I can recall, I haven't changed any graphics settings.


My game is acting like AA and other such settings are enabled, so a lot of my landscapes go transparent (as well as my the characters) when looking in certain directions, the bushes appear blocky and the trees look like crazy, surrealist artwork. Oddly enough when I hit ~, the bushes and trees revert to normal, though the landscapes still turn transparent. I'm certain this is a ENB problem, because I have no issues when I turn it off.


I've dug through my Nvidia control panel and turned everything off, I've dug through Inspector and turned everything off. And the in-game settings have been off since forever, and have never been turned on (I double checked, and they are indeed off). Are there any settings that I could have possibly missed that I'm not aware of?


I'm using Blackout ENB presets, if you need a mods list, I will provide it (though I'm certain it's a hardware issue).

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