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Problems Setting Up Modding


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I've just bought FO3 on Steam and wanted to install some mods. However, I'm having trouble following all the instructions all over the place and I can't seem to get it to work.

Can anyone give me simple step-by-step instructions on how to get these to work rather than the confusing mess of text that comes with them all? I've never modded before, so this is all new territory to me.

Sorry >.>"



These are mods I'm trying to install -

Lucy West Companion (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5696/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D5696%26preview%3D&pUp=1)

DIMONIZED TYPE3 Conversions and Outfits (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/6073/?tab=3&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D6073%26user%3D1&pUp=1)



And these are the basic bits I'm under the impression I need to install first -

TYPE3 Body replacer (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4280)

FOMM (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=640)

ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944)



If anyone can help simplify all this, be much appreciated :smile:

Edited by Braeken
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I'm not sure what you mean by "specific" as litreally you download the manager>Install it> Go to any mod you want to download >files>download with nmm That's about as specific as I can go with the Nmm(Nexus mod manager) As it's perfectly safe, and very helpful I think about 80% of the nexus uses it, It's best to look into it before using it like the features and ect.


If that's not specific enough I'm afraid you will need to be more specific on what you're looking for.

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One of the things I've listed is actually the mod manager specifically for Fallout 3 (far as I can tell - like I said, new to modding). I've got the manager, but there's complications with how the specific type of mod involved has to be loaded into it. There's a bunch of instructions all over the place on how to use them, but they're heavy-worded instructions that just lose me after a few minutes.


Basically I'm just trying to find if someone with FO3 mod knowledge can give me a short and easy method.


Sorry if not getting this across right, it's all new to me so little confused.

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One of the things I've listed is actually the mod manager specifically for Fallout 3 (far as I can tell - like I said, new to modding). I've got the manager, but there's complications with how the specific type of mod involved has to be loaded into it. There's a bunch of instructions all over the place on how to use them, but they're heavy-worded instructions that just lose me after a few minutes.


Basically I'm just trying to find if someone with FO3 mod knowledge can give me a short and easy method.


Sorry if not getting this across right, it's all new to me so little confused.

  • DIMONIZED TYPE3 Conversions and Outfits
  • TYPE3 Body replacer
  • FOMM

are a match. Fomm is whats used and best to use for the mods listed. it's package manager was designed and the mods them selves were designed t specifically work together. FoMod's are a form of install-instructions that stop and ask you your choices using Fomm.


you say your new? well then Mod Organizer may be too much to handle, but it can do all the tings any other manager can do.

user choice.

  1. Download any mod, zip forms only.
  2. run Fomm.
  3. open it's package manager and browse to the download folder containg the downloads you make.
  4. click the item and go, Fomm should install the package. NOTE: always tell it to make copies, if you don't the source file gets deleted.
  5. run the srot thin in fomm. run thegame directly from fomm's game listings.
  6. use fomm to set up the game graphics.


that's basic.


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One of the things I've listed is actually the mod manager specifically for Fallout 3 (far as I can tell - like I said, new to modding). I've got the manager, but there's complications with how the specific type of mod involved has to be loaded into it. There's a bunch of instructions all over the place on how to use them, but they're heavy-worded instructions that just lose me after a few minutes.


Basically I'm just trying to find if someone with FO3 mod knowledge can give me a short and easy method.


Sorry if not getting this across right, it's all new to me so little confused.

  • DIMONIZED TYPE3 Conversions and Outfits
  • TYPE3 Body replacer
  • FOMM

are a match. Fomm is whats used and best to use for the mods listed. it's package manager was designed and the mods them selves were designed t specifically work together. FoMod's are a form of install-instructions that stop and ask you your choices using Fomm.


you say your new? well then Mod Organizer may be too much to handle, but it can do all the tings any other manager can do.

user choice.

  1. Download any mod, zip forms only.
  2. run Fomm.
  3. open it's package manager and browse to the download folder containg the downloads you make.
  4. click the item and go, Fomm should install the package. NOTE: always tell it to make copies, if you don't the source file gets deleted.
  5. run the srot thin in fomm. run thegame directly from fomm's game listings.
  6. use fomm to set up the game graphics.


that's basic.



Thanks for this... though sorry to say bit late >.>" I've fixed my problems with it - not sure how, but I did. I didn't do anything different this time around, but it fixed itself. Bizzare, really...


But thanks for this anyway :)

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