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Trouble putting in mods


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ive had oblivion for awhile but theres alot of mods id like to put on, but i really dont kow much what im doing. The only thing i know how to do is making a file an omod and putting it into the game. but half the time, the mod doesnt even work, and theyre sucessful mods. Can I simply forget Obmm and throw the .esp, meshes and textures folders into data and enable it on the oblivion startup screen to get them to work? Im getting really frusterated with only about 4 mods and like 15 ive attempted putting on. Lastly, in obmm whats the differnce from adding the archive, files and folders? folders never works, achive doesnt bring it up sometimes, i guess i really dont know wha im doing. Thanks for your help.
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First, Vista & Win7 block mods if you install to the default location.

For Vista and Win7 related problems such as UAC, Check here:



Many mods require either the latest patch and/or OBSE to work.

Bben's Patch Advice



The launcher built into OBMM will launch OBSE for you, IF it is properly installed first. OBSE is not a mod and does not install like a mod. So read the instructions.


Yes, you could 'forget' about the OMODs, but the frustration would remind you the first time you try to completely remove a mod without OMOD. Best to stick with the OMOD.


And probably the absolute worst thing you can do if a mod doesn't work is to install another one in the hope that fixes it. That's kind of like the 17th century doctors who bled their patents when they were dying from blood loss.

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OMOD is sort of an extra step. If the mod is not OMOD to begin with, I would just leave it that way. It is sort of a toss-up whether you get more pain from working with OMODS, or more pain from manually removing mods. Both tasks are quite doable, but you have to have obtain a certain amount of knowledge before you can do either.


I am hoping that TES V will have a better setup where everything is naturally in a good format somewhat like OMOD which makes it easy for people to upload, download, install, and remove mods.

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