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Armored Wolf Mount to replace armored Horses


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I was wondering if it is possible or if anyone can make a mod that will replace the Horses with Armored Riding Wolves like the picture from World of warcraft below.


I ask because I have a mod of the Axe of Grom (Grommash Hellscream) Gorehowl and it only seemed proper to have a orc with that axe ride a armored Wolf

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Some of the specifics are still ethereal but short version is: Fort Dawnguard, Stendarr's Beacon and Castle Volkihar are getting a facelift; each to include a player home. New items for each of the three factions as well as a new follower for each.

As the mod will expand upon the Vigilants and bring a...sort of unity...between them and the Dawnguard. The block is coming from who should be to the vampires what the Vigilants will be to the Dawnguard. Necros perhaps but....

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