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Question on obstacles or method to change path

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I am working on a mod in which I added navmesh leading through an open area. I want to be able to toggle via script whether or not an NPC thinks they can use that path or area. Is there a way I could place something on the path that when enabled NPC's wont bother trying so then don't look stupid running against a blockage.


The reason for this is sometimes the corridor either from Skyrim or DLC will show up and attempt to reach the player. I want the player to be unreachable by some method in this spot that can be turned on or off by maybe disable or enable or something similar.


Any Idea's would be cool



Thank YOU

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Question is do you want the player to be able to walk through it?

Because you could concievable make a invisible door and make is MAAAASIVE and then have a script set it to open/close and closed it gets locked and most ai packages take account of locked doors lol

But I think that may only be to interiors IDK The navmesh is outside of normal scripting bounds so gl

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Darren83 Thanks I ended up altering a door's nif file to make the door permanently a new door that is invisible. If I make it inaccessible but toggle it enabled or disabled it works fine.

I tried keeping it a locked door but those courier types seem relentless in delivering a message . I had to position the door at a distance from the player as well or they teleport

to behind the player and say their deal or they try to talk to you through the door.


It always bothered me they come up when your sneaking, invisible, etc as if they sensed where you were and heck none of those guys your hiding from will notice. :smile:

Edited by silhouett
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