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Looking for modders.


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Note to self: Never make a post late at night after drinking.


So let me do this right.


Zombie Land (working title only). A mod about ghouls (duh). The mod will include a medium world space, a new vault location, several smalls town, a main quest and several optional quests. New items, armors, weapons and so on an so forth.


Need texture artists to reskin ghoul models, both intelligent and feral, new vault uniforms and sundry other minor texturing.


Need modelers to create new weapons/armor/etc. Maybe a few new buildings.


Scripters as this is one of my many weak points.


Someone who is good with the heightmap editor would be extremely nice. I understand how to use it and can populate it with buildings, npcs, objects and all kinds of nefarious evil, but my World Spaces just don't cut the mustard with regards to the heightmap.


Send me a message if you're interested.

Edited by Scatterspell
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Looking for people who want to get together to create quality mods. Mappers, modelers, scripters and so on and so forth.


If you want to mod and don't have a good group to work with, drop me a line.


hey im good modder, ive done some pretty good work


im quite busy but i could help you out




made that all by myself

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