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Im about to install TES4 on my new windows 7 Please gimme advice BEFOR


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First off Thank you very much for reading and secndly Im very sorry if this is in the wrong thread.


Basicly what the title says, I was just starting to really appriciate all the possibilities that all the wonderful modders can come up with back in early 2009 when my vid card decided to frizz out on me. A year later (and hopefully a little wiser) and with a brand spanking new computer (the one that blew up was 6 years old and had well and truely ran its course) I thought to ask for advice before I go blindly charging in. Ive read some posts how it was difficult installing mods under vista and wonderd if theres ANY advice for windows 7.


The only note worthy thing I can think to mention is my OS is windows 7 64 bit.


Once again thank you for reading this. Any and all advice will be greatly appriciated.

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