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Unity 3D


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after getting bored with oblivion. I started toying with the idea of creating an open rpg/rts framework to play around with just to see where it go's. currently I am using the unity 3d and having alot of fun with it so I was wondering if any one else was using it and what you might be up to. if you like to mod and haven't tried it out then maybe you should. I'm only just learning at this point but so far the thing's I like best are the ease at with you are able to get other program's work with it. if you like to use blender you need only save you blend file where unity can find it and its in the game no exporting required. need to make changes no problem. any changes you make will be updated automatically. the same is true for editing scripts. you don't have to use unity's script editor you can use any editor you want. unity will tell you if there is errors in your coding and even offer suggestion's on correcting it. push the play button and see your code in action. you also have access to all of the .net classes. oh did I mention that it's Free


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