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Scripting woes


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So I'm having a couple of problems with this script, and I would appreciate any help, as it's becoming quite a bother. Essentially I'm trying to transfer the items on the ghoul to the newly spawned ghoul, which has another script to add them.


The first issue is that getLOS isn't working properly on the corpses. As far as I can tell it's not registering the getLOS on the dead bodies, which I'd really like to get working, as I'd prefer the player not see them pop in.


The second is that once I try adding the items to new container, the script stops running. I've tried using NPCs, Creatures, and containers, with the same results. I've also tried using a quest to save the variables, didn't work like that either.

SCN SUPERGhoulRaiseDeadScript

short pDead
short pScale
ref sRef
ref nRef
ref itemType
int amountOfItems
ref itemType2
int amountOfItems2
ref itemType3
int amountOfItems3

begin gamemode

if getDead == 1

	set sRef to getSelf
	set nRef to SUPERFeralGhoul01Ref
	if islimbgone 7 == 0 && islimbgone 10 == 0 && islimbgone 1 == 0 ;check if they have head and legs still
;				if player.getlos sRef == 0
							if islimbgone 3 == 0 && islimbgone 5 == 0  ;still has arms


								set pScale to GetScale								
								set itemType to GetInventoryObject 1
								set amountOfItems to GetItemCount itemType
								set itemType2 to GetInventoryObject 2
								set amountOfItems2 to GetItemCount itemType2
								set itemType3 to GetInventoryObject 3
								set amountOfItems3 to GetItemCount itemType3
;this is where the script stops
								SUPERFeralGhoul01Ref.additem itemtype amountofitems
								SUPERFeralGhoul01Ref.additem itemtype2 amountofitems2
								SUPERFeralGhoul01Ref.additem itemtype3 amountofitems3
								placeatme SUPERFeralGhoul01Respawn
;				endif
		set pDead to 1


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Try this:

begin OnDeath

	set sRef to GetSelf
	if (IsLimbGone 1 || IsLimbGone 3 || IsLimbGone 5 || IsLimbGone 7 || IsLimbGone 10 || player.GetLOS sRef) == 0
		set nRef to PlaceAtMe SUPERFeralGhoul01Respawn 1
		RemoveAllItems nRef

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Thank Jazzis, that's working perfectly! And your script is so much cleaner then mine :D You too xilandro!


Edit: I'm having another problem though, trying to copy the creatures scale, as I have a block in the script to slightly randomize their height. I've tried it a few ways, but it doesn't work or freezes the game.

		set pScale to sRef.GetScale
		nRef.SetScale pScale

If I set pScale up as a short, it sets nRef to .01, regardless of sRef's current scale. If I set it up as an int, the same thing happens. It returns 1 if the scale is unmodified though. Also even though the scale says .01, they are still normal size unless I use console resurrect.

I can just remove the scaling function, but I'd prefer to keep it if anyone knows how I can do this.


Edited edit: Also the GetLOS function only seems to be working the instant the ghoul dies, if I kill him and turn around immediatly the spawn happens, but if i kill him, and look at him until he stops moving, the spawn doesn't happen.

Edited by senterpat
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scale should be a float, shouldn't it?

by the way, shorts and ints are the same, concerning used resources, so if you always use ints is pretty much the same


And about the GetLOS you're right, I guess that can't work on a OnDeath block. What about removing the GetLOS from the conditions of the OnDeath, and just move/spawn a marker to that position, then check the GetLOS on a separated GameMode block? Anyway I guess it would require to be staged, GetLOS called on a non-actor is pretty slow

Edited by Fallout2AM
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Edit: First part has been solved, the second question (GetLOS) is still unsolved.

Switching the scale variable to a float did work, in theory anyways. When i use getscale with the console it says it's the scale it's supposed to be, but it's size hasn't changed. Attaching a script to the new ghoul that resurrects it fixes this(trying to call resurrect on the reference in the main scirpt freezes the game) , but it also resets it's inventory, so does anyone know of a way to make the scale actually show up, I'd appreciate it.


Also still can't get the GetLOS to function right, currently have the script set up like this:

begin gamemode

if doonce == 0 ; this block is only for testing if the scaling is working
setscale .8
set doonce to 1

if getdead == 1 && player.getlos xRef == 0
	if (IsLimbGone 1 || IsLimbGone 7 || IsLimbGone 10) == 0	
		if islimbgone 3 == 0 && islimbgone 5 == 0
				set nRef to PlaceAtMe SUPERFeralGhoul01Respawn 1
				removeallitems nRef
				set pScale to sRef.GetScale
				nRef.SetScale pScale

begin OnDeath
	set sRef to GetSelf
;I also tried using a XmarkerHeading I placed in the testing cell and referenced
	set xRef to PlaceAtMe XMarkerHeading

Using it on the death block does indeed only register it the moment of death, using it on a corpse alone also doesn't seem to work. I thought for sure the xmarkerheading would work, but that too failed, there has to be a way to do this right? if not I can just use distance instead of LOS and hope they don't notice them popping in too often.


Edit: OK, so I figured out how to transfer the scale, using the above script as is, with another script on the new creature that checks the scale and sets it to the same value. Dunno why it won't just register it on the new script, but hopefully the info will help someone.

Edited by senterpat
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1. You may need to wait a frame for the new creature to render before you can change its scale.

2. If GetLOS does not work properly, you can use GetHeadingAngle instead.

Test this:

ref sRef
ref nRef
float fScale

begin GameMode

if nRef
set fScale to GetScale
nRef.SetScale fScale
RemoveAllItems nRef
set nRef to 0


begin OnDeath

set sRef to GetSelf
if ((IsLimbGone 1 || IsLimbGone 3 || IsLimbGone 5 || IsLimbGone 7 || IsLimbGone 10) == 0) && (player.GetHeadingAngle sRef > -75) && (player.GetHeadingAngle sRef < 75)
set nRef to PlaceAtMe SUPERFeralGhoul01Respawn 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got some time to work on the mod, tested that out, allows them to respawn, but seems to have the same problem as GetLOS, it only seems to function the frame that the ghoul dies. I also tried moving the ondeath if/endif block to a gamemode block. Also tried this script

SCN SUPERGhoulRaiseDeadScript

ref	sRef
ref	nRef
float	fScale

begin GameMode

	if ((IsLimbGone 1 || IsLimbGone 3 || IsLimbGone 5 || IsLimbGone 7 || IsLimbGone 10) == 0) && (player.GetHeadingAngle sRef > -75) && (player.GetHeadingAngle sRef < 75)
		set nRef to PlaceAtMe SUPERFeralGhoul01Respawn 1

	if nRef
		set fScale to GetScale
		nRef.SetScale fScale
		RemoveAllItems nRef
		set nRef to 0


begin OnDeath

	set sRef to Placeatme XmarkerHeading


Do creature scripts continue to run after the creature dies? Is there maybe some other way to this with a quest script or an armor token?

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Do creature scripts continue to run after the creature dies? Is there maybe some other way to this with a quest script or an armor token?

I don't see anything in there you couldn't do with a quest script, but since you'd be going from implicit to explicit you'd want to use getSelf to set your refs. There is also this caution in re: to getSelf;


"GetSelf will return 0 if called on a reference that has been created dynamically (for example, created via PlaceAtMe, or dropped from an inventory into the game world)." so that might fubar any chance of getting an accurate refId from getSelf if you need it later, but if I understand your script correctly just going to be zapping nRef anyway right?

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