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Mod where characters do not move and behave strange


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Is there a mod that makes characters move, turn, walk properly? Examples: *Creatures and characters moonwalk. *They always look like they are running forwards even when moving diagonally. * animations glitch (Like when you don't take the gun from Amata and she walks backs and threatens to use the gun in the interrogation room) *People turn like they are statues. * they don't move their feet and waist when turning or changing direction (for example like in Heretic2), etc...


Is there a mods in which characters behave properly? examples: *Tunnel Snakes or other people do not fight back when you hit them in Future Imperfect quest. (maybe they could put you in the cell for this) * creatures or people do nothing when you kill their friends in stealth. *When characters are in the water, game bugs out. (they don't even hit each other with their fists) * Even if you kill someone in secret, whole town turns hostile without knowing you did it. etc...

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I would very much doubt it would be possible for a modder to fix what is wrong with the animations, simply because it isn't an animation issue at all. The problem is part of the mechanic that changes between animations which I wouldn't think can be adjusted by a modder.


To fix what you are talking about you would have to be able to add in more animation triggers to have stuff such as backwards walking and adding new animations for turning or linking bones to the look at target.


To my knowledge none of this is possible in the GECK.

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I would very much doubt it would be possible for a modder to fix what is wrong with the animations, simply because it isn't an animation issue at all. The problem is part of the mechanic that changes between animations which I wouldn't think can be adjusted by a modder.


To fix what you are talking about you would have to be able to add in more animation triggers to have stuff such as backwards walking and adding new animations for turning or linking bones to the look at target.


To my knowledge none of this is possible in the GECK.


So you say the engine needs to be fixed first, and then these fixes should be implemented into GECK for modders to be able to fix these issues?


What about behavior? Are there mods to fix these issues? (using patch 1.7 and didn't fix any of them.

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I would very much doubt it would be possible for a modder to fix what is wrong with the animations, simply because it isn't an animation issue at all. The problem is part of the mechanic that changes between animations which I wouldn't think can be adjusted by a modder.


To fix what you are talking about you would have to be able to add in more animation triggers to have stuff such as backwards walking and adding new animations for turning or linking bones to the look at target.


To my knowledge none of this is possible in the GECK.


So you say the engine needs to be fixed first, and then these fixes should be implemented into GECK for modders to be able to fix these issues?


What about behavior? Are there mods to fix these issues? (using patch 1.7 and didn't fix any of them.


It isn't the engine, but the mechanic that makes the characters move. I would think that the chances of them putting that into the GECK is slim because that stuff gets pretty complicated, but then again, I'm not an expert at makeing tools and the like, I just use the tools.


I don't know how the thing is coded, so I can't really give you any more specific information. I just know that if I was doing it in Unity I would just go in and add more triggers so that I could animate for all sorts of different actions, especially haveing a 3/4 animation and backwards animation. So basically it is like this (but more complicated) "If the player hits the W key the foward animation is player" "if the player hits the S key the backward aniation is played"




But anyways, as far as your other questions, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I don't care... I don't really want to spend all my time trying to fix or explain issues for people. I am only interested in talking about animation because I am currently in the process of working on my own third person mechanic for a platforming game, and I don't mind explaining my limited knowledge to people.


I don't have nearly as much expereince with NPC behavior and the like. I just know it is complicated and makes my head hurt when I think about it...

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