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Soviet-Era Uniforms and Equipment?


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Yes, I'm going there.


Well, It's interesting to note we have Various AKM/AK-74s, Some SVDs and a collection of other Weapons From the Good ol' Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, Yet We have Little to Nothing in terms of Uniforms, Helmets or even AK Chest Rigs.


So, As you've probably guessed by now, I am Requesting a Soviet Uniform.


Below is the Basics of how I'd prefer it to look



An idea: To repair it, could use merc uniforms of something.




Anyone Willing to Tackle This?








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Hey, look-at-that. Well, then Don't worry about the chest rig then, that'll work. Thanks for the find mate :D


Could we get at least "Generic looking" Soviet Clothing? Forget adding the collar, At this point it doesn't matter (though it would be a bonus)


i'll look through what I have from other clothing mods to see if I can find anything that would be easy to Modify if that's the problem

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