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Holotape HUD Reader


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Hi everybody.

I'm Andrew and although I play Fallout for a long time, only now i've decided to be connect with the forums. I know, i know, i'm the worst...


I'm posting here because I was playing AQFH and recently i've installed DarnifiedUI. In this quest you pick up a lot of holotapes, so i started wondering if it would be possible to use the other side of the HUD, above the health bar, to display, in slow motion and scrolling up, the written message of that holotape.


You pick it up, it automatically shows up on the left side of the hud, scrolls up to show the whole message, considering for it show all it would have to be really small, and when it finishes it disappears. If the player needs to read it again, then you bring up the pip boy and read it the times he needs.


I find my lack of knowledge to mod disturbing and i'm sure there are a lot of people here with the ability to turn this into a reality, if it doesn't really exist yet.


I'll await patiently for a reply.


That's my time.


Thank you in advance

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