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Followers won't follow me


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I have UFO installed. When I approach followers and ask them to follow me (modded or vanilla), they agree and the dialoge ends, but they don't follow me and the game acts like they aren't following me. I can talk to them again and the dialogue option ("Follow me. I need your help.") is still there. I also noticed that potential followers will sometimes load without textures, appearing complete black (as in completely pitch black). I also noticed it doesn't pop up immediately; I got Lydia to follow me, but nobody else will and if I send her away, she won't follow me again.

I've uninstalled a number of mods that I thought might be causing it, started a new save and deleted and reinstalled UFO, but it persists.

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I hate this issue and it has plagued me MANY times. Replace UFO with AFT and additionally make sure AFT is fairly low down (thus, high priority) in your load order thusly:




If AFT comes too near the top, you often get followers randomly deciding "FU dude I'mma wander off now" >_>


So yeah, use AFT and have it low down in the load order. Works for me.

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Not to be controversial but I have the opposite advice as Darkanvas. I replaced AFT (which is always super buggy in my experience) with UFO and it's much better now. UFO is very old but it works better with non-vanilla custom followers. AFT always ended up glitching out followers like Sofia, Rowana, Vilja, etc. AFT is definitely amazing but the bells and whistles aren't worth the glitches.

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