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Minor Performance Troubles


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Hi! c:


I recently got back into skyrim and once again modded the hell out of my game. I've gotten everything working fine and dandy, but it could do with a performance boost. Sometimes, after at least 30 mins of playtime, the fps will take a big hit after entering a new cell, and a minute ago it slowed to a crawl and crashed unexpectedly. What can i do to increase my performance?


I have NMM and SKSE, i've used BOSS, i've made a Wrye Bash patch and applied all the recommended tags, i've used TEdit to properly clean all the ITMs and UDRs that BOSS found, i've cleaned my save and i've used Hadoram's Save Cleaner.


The most obvious thing to do would be to tweak my skyrim.ini/skse.ini/etc, but there are a lot of different guides on the internet all suggesting different tweaks, most of which are outdated and might not work, or my computer might not be able to handle. What tweaks do you guys suggest? Do you have any good up-to-date guides?


Here are my PC Specs:

Windows 7 64-Bit
Processor: Intel Core i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz 2.80GHz
RAM: 4.00GB
Graphics card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 560 Ti
Motherboard: LGA1156

SSD: OCZ-Vertex4 something something


Thankies c:

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