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If you want to help us out with Silent Frontline, here's what to do.


For (new) team members:

Place a reply here or at the forum site (Links at Bottom) stating what your abilities are or which you are willing to offer to us.


There are a few jobs you can start on right away at Job/Requests. You don't even need to be a member for that, however as a member you can view the Team-Discussions and may have a bigger amount of control within the project.


If you choose not to become a member, but do want to contribute and be credited afterwards, feel free to. Just place a reply here and at the Job/Request forum about which job you'd like to perform.


http://silentfrontline.net (Forum Site)


http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=11702 (Silent Frontline - New Adventures (The Mod))


(: Thank You for Reading and i hope you can help the Team :)

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Might 'elp attract interest in cha' mod if you give just a tiny bit of info on what it is all about here. Like a short summary of what your objective or storyline is.


But I looked around the website link and the forum you had, looks like cha' got a good start going. I'd help if I could, but all I have experience in doing is a couple small house mods. Pretty ignorant when it comes to scripting, texturin', modelin’, anything larger than interior creation and nav’ meshin’.


So, I'll wish you the best of luck in this endeavor, 'ope cha' get the right people for the task and this gets completed. :thumbsup:

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