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Metal Gear Solid 4 - Non-lethal weapons


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Possible guns that could definitely work:


Tranquilizer Gun (Ruger Mk2) - A silenced pistol that, if used properly, puts a enemy to sleep.


Mosen-Nagant (modified) - A sniper rifle that also tranquilizes a enemy, but from a longer range and emits a loud noise when used.


Stun-Knife - Instantly stuns a target with a large amount of voltage. Could be used for lethal purposes but not sure how you add two firing mode onto a weapon in fallout 3.


You'd have to make is so a unconscious npc can't wake up in 10 seconds after being taken out with these weapons. They'd have to be unconscious for 1 minute at least, and as a drawback to the weapons, make it so if a npc discovers another npc that's unconscious by your weapon, they go on alert?

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