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Ayleid Cities


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Yes, the ayleid ruins that exist in 3E 433 are not where anybody lived, these ruins, all being alike with the traps and such, indicate that the ayleid's usual structures (the ones they lived in) were of materials such as wood, because the surface is in no way marred by other structures. These ruins were for religius use, as well, royal bloodlines were probably buried there, along with important religious leaders, thus the large amount of sarcophagi in these ruins, they were probably protective of their dead, and created the traps. Another theory is that the ayleids created these structures (the ones that still exist in 3E 433) to protect their magical stones (Welkynd, varla) Perhaops both, I am unsure. Maybe the stones have a religious ceremonial value, I doubt they regularly used the stones to "recharge their magical equipment"



Being believers of magnus, this also compliments the theory of the stones being used as a sign for magnus to take the deceased to a happy afterlife (if you notice, the welkynd stones are above and a bit behind some sarcophagi) the varla stones are in such a spot that it looks like a religious leader would go in the center and chant important prayers for their side, because of the large amounts of civil strife that occured in the ayleid society.

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Sorry if this topic died but...


If the ruins were burial grounds then where are all the bodies. There are some sections in the walls that have places for coffins and some have coffins but the majority of them are empty. I know there is plenty of skeletons in the dungeons but I thought that lore said that Ayleids were as tall or taller than modern Altmer. The skeletons are shorter than my Imperial so I doubt that they are the Alyieds. Probably just some of the human slaves that died and would forever serve their masters.

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It would be neat to see an untouched (relatively) Ayleid city mod., like the (*SPOILER*) Akaviri Fort up north.

I'm actually thinking of making one, allthough I since (as mentioned before) the remaining ruins probably are temples/tombs it's really hard to make a mod for it. :huh:


How do you think the towns really looked like? Since Tamriel back then were divided by the many different Ayleid tribes, the tribes probably fought each other ones in a while, and therefor the cities also probably had a wall to protect the citizens. But how did it look inside? Large and long streets of white stone, with a tower in the middle and houses around in a circle? And how did the houses look like? Like the shacks in IC Waterfront, or in a totally different way?


I'd love some speculations about that, since it'd help me a lot to make the mod.

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