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Is this possible?


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Evrything is posible!

The problem is: it will be too hard and will need incredible amount of time. Easier will be to make Elder scrolls look like DA. But again, it'll take huge amount of time.

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Why not? It'll bring new expirience into game play and more realism.
its an RPG not a 1st person game
Elder Scrolls series and Fallout 3 also RPGshttp://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/wink.gif
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No one bothers you to make a tactical game from the Elder scrolls. Problem not that this is 1st person game, problem is that in Oblivion or Morrowind you can get about 20 arrows in your head and still be alive! So you dont need to think much about that you can be one-shotted, or use enviroment to kill enemies like in The Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.


Yes DA on Elder Scrolls engine wont keep the tactical side of the game but part of it will be there. Any way it will bring the new expirience to game of DA( or Oblivion ), and i bet it'll be quite intresting to play.


P.S. Ghost Recon: AW or SWAT 1st persons too but also tactical games, so it'll need a few time to mod Oblivion to fit tactical game play.

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Is it possible to mod DA so that it can be played in the 1st person with a combat style more like the elder scrolls, and is the wide open world as seen in elder scrolls and falllout 3 feasible?


Thanks in advance

I know there has been similar answers but I just want to put my word in. Doing what you suggest would require alot of user created texturing, scripting, and time. Although it is most likely possible I do not know of anyone who would put their time into a project like this :( It is a great idea though.

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