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How to fly? Better than TCL command


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Hi all,


Last day i've download the Rivens wing pack mod. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5631


Nice! But i start to ask me a question, How to fly? Yes, we have the TCL commande, but it's ugly (walking in the airs) and you can clip trough object.

After many research, no mod are currently ok to do this.


Someone got an idea? (I think eventually to use the swim animation, but no idea how to do this)




(Sorry, my english is not at the top, i speak french)

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Hi all,


Last day i've download the Rivens wing pack mod. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5631


Nice! But i start to ask me a question, How to fly? Yes, we have the TCL commande, but it's ugly (walking in the airs) and you can clip trough object.

After many research, no mod are currently ok to do this.


Someone got an idea? (I think eventually to use the swim animation, but no idea how to do this)


Check out Oblivion Nexus, there are several mods for oblivion and morrowind to fly around, so its definitely possible with this engine.

here for example: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10819 you could check how he did it.

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