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Ads with sound


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I love this group of websites - I use fo3/tes/dao. When i can afford it I pay too. I appreciate ads are necessary - I know how the world works. I have noticed a recent ad has audio though. I also know that audio is a definitive no-no in online marketing. I doubt I'm the only user here who watches a movie or listens to music while perusing this site. I have no issue with visual only ads - like I said, ads are a must - but I can contain them to a tab in my browser (to click on later of course). Ads with audio are overly pervasive - they don't take into consideration my current tab selection. Not only is destructive as far as the nexus chain of sites go, but it also demonstrates a lack of consideration by the advertisers themselves. As we all know, the most successful ads are clever, not annoying and that annoying ads cause distrust/negative feelings against the advertiser.


To add some worthy content:


Clever/quality ads:


(sexy sound=


Admittedly I'm an audi fan - but you know when you hit play there'll be audio. If you don't want any? don't hit play - choice. It's awesome when you can choose. Please don't take that way.

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