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Recruiting texture artists! New Revolver Rifle.


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Hello! Thank you for taking interest in this thread. As you know, I am looking for a texture artist to assist me with a custom-mesh revolver rifle. I have worked hard to get the rifles mesh looking prestine, and I have been in touch with a very talented animator to assist in giving the rifle a truely magnificent animation. However, the problem lies in my short-sighted decision to texture the rifle myself. I personally have very little experience with texturing, nor much talent. So, therefore, if you are interested in assisting me, it would be greatly appreciated! Of course, you will be given credit for your work, and I would be more than happy to return the favor after the texturing has been completed.


Below is a screenshot of the rifle, as well as a link to a somewhat recent model of the rifle.






DeathwishFinalAllmods (View in 3D)
I've done a small bit of work on the mesh and texture since these were uploaded, so if you would like to see the most recent one, I would be happy to oblige.
As you can see, my textures reflect my lack of experience, however, that's why I'm here! Please, if you wish to help, email me at [email protected]
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