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re-use main character


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If you used the in-game character creator, then no. The character's appearance is not saved in any stand-alone file that you can copy/paste. You have to recreate him/her again.


If you used the free-download Chara Creator demo, then yes. The chara was saved, and can be imported again to your new game.


If you used the free-download Toolset, then yes also.

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use the toolset


file->open file

open your savegame.

there are some values under player_char or somewhere that have the morph values for the face. you can transfer these to another save by copy paste. there might be a better guide on how to do it. google

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It is my understanding that the gamesave files have no such values, to be found on the toolset.

It is a common question: Can I transfer my morph from the CC to the Toolset for additional tweaking? The answer was always No.

I'll check the toolset myself tonight to see if you're right.

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Mlai- The value for the facemorph is indeed in the savegame file. The actual value it uses though is invisible. You just can't see it. But if you click on the "empty area" there in SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR \ SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR_CHAR \ SAVEGAME_PLAYER_MORPH and choose "copy"


You can then use "paste value" and send it to the same area of the other character's savegame file.




Now, the problem is, is that it is incredibly difficult to actually find that morph file in it's mrh, mor, or mop form to be able to actually EDIT it in the toolset. Tho if you make it in the character creator, it will be saved as a .chr file, in the Characters>Pre something... folder. which also contains all the morph info, if you want to recreate the morph using create new morph in the toolset and then use your old settings as a base when creating the new morph.

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  • 5 months later...

how do i keep my original states and start a new game...not just moving from awakening but if i want to start at the beginning of awakening and keep leveling up higher. I'd like to know how i can do that...anyone got any pointers...ive tried stuff but not working yet.



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If it is just the face you want to re-use, here is a mod that I have used to import a face from one save game to another. All you would have to do is create your new character, then import the face from the one you want to re-use onto your new character, and voila! your in business. It is very easy to use. Here is the mod link:


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