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I need help by switching a 2H Sword to 1H


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Are you looking for just one sword coverted to one handed? Or would all swords converted to 2h work for you? If the latter, then this would work. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11

there is an option to leave axes and mauls as 2h weapons, to preserve any 2h characters you have; like Oghren. But the two hand swords converted won't activate 2h skills.


consider this mod too, as they still swing at 2h speed, which is slow. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=348

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Hm. Well, I know that it's possible for them to use one armor type, in the game files, and then make it look like another type. IF I knew the method that they did that, I could try to do it to a sword to see if that would work. Unfortunately, I dont know how to do it. :sad:

but that would end up with a sword that is still doing 1h damage, rather than the increased 2h damage.


one could attempt to add the new art for that particular sword into the toolset, if they knew how (which I don't). One of the problems is actually finding the art for awakening. Toolset will not automatically browse any DLC content. So running a search for the item in toolset won't find it. A person would have to go thru each file from the awakening folder manually, and find the uti file for it.

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