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Better SI


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Texture wise and land layout wise, I think that mania and dementia are pretty different from each other. Mania was sorta like fall, and a more hilly/mountainy feel. Dementia felt gloomy, I can't explain how, and was like a bog/marsh. But it would be great if mania and dementia recieved new unique skies and better ambient values.


The city on the other hand (dam it would somebody please tell me the cities name - I keep on just calling it the city!! :teehee: :teehee: ) could use more work to get each part to feel different. Each half had pretty much the same layout and looked a lot more alike then Mania and Dementia. Same goes to the two courts.


The fringe (last but not least) was always my most favorite area in oblivion. I think it was partially because of the butterflies in the beginning :blink: . I personnaly think you should keep it as it is.


That's just my 2 cents.

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