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GBM: Fresh Start Terminal Script HELP


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Look, I'm not trying to insult you, that's not what I'm going for. The problem is I get what your saying but the places where you're saying things should be, I can not find. When I got to the conditions tab on the terminal, you know, where it says GetIsId, etc. I've looked through that VARIOUS times, trying different things, that will allow me to use the variables I set forth to be set in conditions. Problem is... There isn't a way for that to work because the function doesn't recongize custom variables. I tried a VARIETY of different methods, and I've tried to follow your instructions to a T, but if I honestly didn't find it, I honestly didn't find it. I'm not saying your wrong, but I can't seem to get it to work. I don't do this kind of stuff often, just for the fact I know how tedious it can be, so forgive me if I sound like a dumb ***, I'm just not a scriptor and unfortunately I'm doing this mod to the best of my abilities on my own.
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Exactly what I tried yesterday but it searches for the script variable inside cells, for whatever reason.

If your having trouble with GetScriptVariable, make a quest and it's accompanying script and use getQuestVariable. I'm sure there are plenty of examples in the geck under terminals. I don't have my geck up and running. The rest I'll leave up to you, I'v got way too many projects going on. Best of luck on your mod.

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Geck and gimp are up and running This is a screenshot of me setting up getScriptVariable on one of the BOSs virus infected terminals. Not much to it, new condition-> GetScriptVariable -> Select terminal -> select variable. I don't know what else to tell you.



Ok, chief, so basically, after changing the terminal into a persistent reference and giving it a reference ID, I was FINALLY able to get the terminal to be recognized... My problem is... It's still not recognizing the Variables..... I'll figure it out though, Dev. I feel like I pissed you off enough this week with my non-stop stupid questions, lol.

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Ok, chief, so basically, after changing the terminal into a persistent reference and giving it a reference ID, I was FINALLY able to get the terminal to be recognized... My problem is... It's still not recognizing the Variables.....



And the variables are declared as a int/short? Might be easier if you post the script.

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