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Communism v. Socialism v. Capitalism v. Feudalism

Maxwell the Fool

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Capitalism is the only political-economic system that is true to proper human nature, that being an exchange of ideas and abilities on an open forum free of compulsion, restriction, or obligation unless by volitional contract. The only proper role for the government under capitalism has been clearly defined in the U.S. Constitution. Any other form of economics or government role is a form of collectivization, and is one in a long line of steps toward tyranny and death. All collective societies end ultimately in death, despair, and economic failure. The most obvious of these include the Soviet Union, the Third Reich, People's Republic of China (love the ironic names that come with communism; it's built on lies) and the dozens of two-bit dictatorships in South/Central America and Africa that are the primary reasons for those areas' poverty. Many proponents of socialism cite countries like those in Europe that have "successful" welfare states. Yes, these welfare states are successful, in that they swallow millions onto their doles, driving up tax burdens, crippling industry and drawing waves of immigrants that have triggered a nativist backlash in the home countries (sound familiar?) Europe's economic influence has been in steady decline since about the same time its welfare states sprung up, and it now exists a shadow of its former self, teetering on the edge of financial ruin (Greece.)


Proponents of socialism like to cite the supposed evils of capitalism. These confabulations include monopolies, imperialism and orchestrated periods of economic uncertainty. Yet these exist in rarity, and when they do, they are ALWAYS promoted/controlled by the government in a spectacular show of quasi-socialist state economic planning. All monopolies in this country's history that have had total control over a given industry were government-sponsored (such as AT&T.) Imperialism is another magnificent example of the kind of collusion that goes on in socialism, as companies and governments work in total harmony to achieve control in various regions. Capitalism does NOT promote imperialism, a powerful government does. Lastly, the economic cycle of booms and busts, inflation and deflation is a normal process. This is about the time where socialists and other statists jump into the argument, saying that the government is perfectly capable of preventing bad economic situations. Yet history has shown that the government plays an integral role in lengthening and worsening normal economic recessions. Both our current state and the Great Depression can be attributed (obviously not completely) to improper credit manipulation by the Federal Reserve.


These are just a few examples of the fruits of socialism. Yay!

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Any other form of economics or government role is a form of collectivization, and is one in a long line of steps toward tyranny and death. All collective societies end ultimately in death, despair, and economic failure.


The most obvious of these include the Soviet Union, the Third Reich, People's Republic of China (love the ironic names that come with communism; it's built on lies) and the dozens of two-bit dictatorships in South/Central America and Africa that are the primary reasons for those areas' poverty. Many proponents of socialism cite countries like those in Europe that have "successful" welfare states. Yes, these welfare states are successful, in that they swallow millions onto their doles, driving up tax burdens, crippling industry and drawing waves of immigrants that have triggered a nativist backlash in the home countries (sound familiar?) Europe's economic influence has been in steady decline since about the same time its welfare states sprung up, and it now exists a shadow of its former self, teetering on the edge of financial ruin (Greece.)





1. Well, sounds like Denmark is about to end up in lies, despair and death, I better say goodbye now. Not that DK is a commie country, we are Capitalist Monarci, but most American love to call us that. :biggrin:


2 Don´t mix up Der driete Reich with commies, Hitler hated them, and all commies in Europe was imprisoned during WW2. :thumbsup:


3.It´s good for commie non lovers that they now have Greece to look at. Greece is just as capitalistic as US, but as other south european counties, they have a very bad financial policy, and in Greece`s particular case, a way too big public sector.

All western and northen europe( including DK) has experienced increasing welfare ever since the WW2.

Yes, we do have some hundrede of thousands on dole, in Europe, because we can afford it. Of cause we will not let our fellow countrymen down, and put them in the street, like they do in many other countries, even countries calling them selfes welfare countries. :blink:


4. Does communism create poverty? Perhaps? Every misguided ideologi does. Even capitalism does, when it is used in the said countries to gather cheap labour, only to increase profit for the importer that sells the goods in our western part of the world. :ninja:

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I belive we on confusion here what is what. Anarchy is reffered to as lawless chaotic form that is one extreme, while the other extreme is dictatorship.

We need a total transcendance of both.

Edited by hoshi23
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I belive we on confusion here what is what. Anarchy is reffered to as lawless chaotic form that is one extreme, while the other extreme is dictatorship.

We need a total transcendance of both.

the confusion is yours.

you think anarchy is chaos, disorder and so on, but it's wrong.

true anarchisst, and i am one, think order only borns with liberty, and power and autority breeds disorder and war.

just look around you, are the actual wars caused by anarchy, or by an american president who wanted more petrol?

lots of civilisations worked in anarchy, and they never had any problem, problems went with power. when some people decide they know better than others what others people must do.

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