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Communism v. Socialism v. Capitalism v. Feudalism

Maxwell the Fool

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Hi everyone: I've been out of town and just got back. I read this thread to catch up, and find all your posts fascinating reading. I loved the last post by Aurielius (of course). So clear and succinct. I have some more thoughts but no time just now. Have to finish unpacking, etc. Keep posting. This is a wonderful subject!!
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I was browsing through verydemotivational.com and I stumbled across something that sort of fits into this topic, and its pretty funny :biggrin:

BUT, since I am not even old enough to vote, I do not have much opinion on which economic system is the best. I suppose that capitalism is the best when put on paper though, because most people are all on the same level, but than it is hard to "keep up with the Joneses" which people do love to do, and when everyone somewhat on a level of poverty it doesn't work out to well.


Anyway, here is the link to the picture :biggrin:



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I don't see that the platform (or the cultural axiom, if you prefer that) is already realized here in the debate - the type of civilization.

As long as this is not the case everythin' sounds outlandish, Ptolemaic centered on the West where most of us are living. Unfortunately, in toto we're everythin' but most... we're the few...*lol*

The age of high adventure of Western colonialism (thus of the export of systems as well) is over, the time of the East has come together with a diligent patriarchal ant statehood without anarchy (sounds Bakunin, eh?)...


Would be not that bad to have already read Samuel P. Huntingtons' Clash of Civilizations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is this, not allowed to post unless you have the same exact philosophy as everyone else? Maybe you can't handle having this conversation.


There is a school of thought that economies are irrevocably tied to political systems. It's worth a consideration, even if it's found to be without merit so if you don't agree move on and say your piece, but do it respectfully.

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I have now had an opportunity to peruse this thread more thoroughly since my return. I think I will stand by my original post, and reiterate as Myrmaad as stated above, that I find it hard to see how we can separate a political system from an economic one. A political system can exist using a variety of economic protocols; however an economic structure cannot exist in a vacuum.
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I doubt there's any chance we'll ever find a flawless system as it will always be manipulated by the people at the top for their own personal gain. You only have to look at how many forms of communism (leninisn, stalinism etc.) to see how it's been manipulated to suit the person in charge. Human nature is the problem. We all want is best for ourselves. That's human nature. Always has been, always will be. Socialism and communism get in the way of that nature, which is why it's manipulated, and capitalism exploits.


My personal preferance though is capitalism, as it's the only system where a person at the bottom can work their way up to the top. You only have to look at Bill Gates and Lord Sugar to see that. Under socialism/communism it would never have happened for them.

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Good grief.


The question of socio-commie VS. free market is Non sequitur.


I have one solid and real question for all the Fascists, Communists, Marxists and Socialists lurking here:




The unwashed masses you champion don't have the cash. That's why you started your revolution...RIGHT? Okay, you have your way and everyone is now 'equal'. In your twisted views of Utopia, the evil Capitalist scum are either broken on the wheel of social justice or dead, so WHO DO YOU TAX? Where is THE MONEY coming from?


Think about THAT when you wave your red flags, goose step at May Day and parade missles. Yeah, we are on to you.


Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Kim Jong-il, the old Communist 'Gang of Four' in China... DO YOU PEOPLE GET IT???


And the answer is, "Nope, they don't have a freak'n clue."


They will paint a pretty picture while the people who don't agree with them are sized up, rounded up and SHOT.


Yeah, TELL me it won't happen here. Tell me THAT when your loved ones are being pushed into pits and ovens.


Meh, I'm kidding myself. That's EXACTLY what Socialist, Marxists, Facists and Communists want. Dead or compliant.

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:laugh: The proletariat is paying the bills now, actually.


Don't fret.


Actually it's the middle class that are paying the bills and the proletariat that are receiving the bounty.

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:laugh: The proletariat is paying the bills now, actually.


Don't fret.


You MUST be joking. Believe me, the job I work in gives me good reason to understand the workings of the British prole mind. I have actually had one of them come right out with it and say to me "No offence darlin', but why should I get a job when silly *^$£s like you pay your taxes so that I can stay on benefit, watch my satellite plasma screen TV, smoke and have a few beers while I'm at it. Oh and by the way I can't come to a meeting with you next week cuz I'm going on holiday to Tenerife."


DON'T tell me that the proles are paying the bills or I may well hyperventilate.


*Bows to Aurelius* as to your comment, most succinctly put, and in light of my experience, quod erat demonstrandum. Latin. Product of a good education, which my middle class parents had to pay for whereas the proles got full grants...

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