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Communism v. Socialism v. Capitalism v. Feudalism

Maxwell the Fool

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Exploit the earth or die? Exploit your mother or die? You serious? And you are under a threat? Holy moly. Please listen and that is not shameful to admit at all: You have most likely been victim of brainwash. :laugh: There is no threat here except the one you create. You are in full responsibility for your life.


It wont help you like the mafia bosses use to do it in italy on a regular basis shortly before they die to send their money to an orphanage.


Your life is now and you are gonne face the full consquence of every action taken wether you like it or not. Suggest you start living rather sooner then later.



Really you believe this people would have flied out the gene pool already. :laugh: Of course you cannot. :wink:


Look. I mean how can you be violent to what has given life to you in the first place? Are you sane? This really not the threat you looking for. The biggest threat is you to yourself.


In closing what i can say is learn to respect your mothers.


This includes your own mother, then you can extend this to food, mother earth etc.


This will give you a basic understanding where you stand.


Dont be a fool and think you are intelligent.




(Not ment as an insult. Simply to bring you to a point of recognition wihtin yourself. This is never personal.)

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"Exploit the world or die". In the dictionary exploit can be both taking a greedy advantage of or performing a honourable deed

I wonder if there is a connection. I am in shock.


@Chaosblade02 I allready gave you kudos. I would have given you another for being sensible :thumbsup: :biggrin:


@hoshi23 kudos for being sensible as well :thumbsup: :biggrin:

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modern feudalism, WITH sophisticated robots as surfs. everyone gets to be a king/noble.


Genius! As soon as you can find the land and the multiple quadrillions of dollars needed to give everyone farming robots, it would be a utopian world! I'll use that as my one point among the hundreds of others that could by themselves defeat your plan, the rest could fill a book.


[insert grammar nazi] "Serfs." They're farmers, not waves.

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Imma throw my vote for Imperialism....It seems that society lives better under one rule and would be able to deal with problems and threats better. especially now that the world has better morals. a empire would be the best form of government imo.
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I have to admit I stopped reading everyone's posts after about page 5, so I hope I'm not repeating anyone, or I have not missed anything really important. Overall, and I must say, surprisingly, I think that I largly agree with Vagrant0 on this one. But first of all let me say that Capitalism is NOT a form of government. It is an economic basis on which a government is run; usually a democratic government. Anyway, I believe that some sort of Democratic/Socialism is the best form of government. We need for people to have individual rights; but we also need to be sure that all people are cared for in some way. The truth as I see it is that no form of government has really worked due to human nature. Unfortunately there is a tendancy for some to sink to the lowest common denominator in humanity when given the slightest opportunity. However, fortunately there is another sector that is always willing to rise above. I believe that democracy with a touch of socialism gives us the best chance for all of humanity. 'nuff said for me for now :cool:
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