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Communism v. Socialism v. Capitalism v. Feudalism

Maxwell the Fool

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I belive we on confusion here what is what. Anarchy is reffered to as lawless chaotic form that is one extreme, while the other extreme is dictatorship.

We need a total transcendance of both.

the confusion is yours.

you think anarchy is chaos, disorder and so on, but it's wrong.

true anarchisst, and i am one, think order only borns with liberty, and power and autority breeds disorder and war.

just look around you, are the actual wars caused by anarchy, or by an american president who wanted more petrol?

lots of civilisations worked in anarchy, and they never had any problem, problems went with power. when some people decide they know better than others what others people must do.


I agree, Anarchy is made into a bad word kinda. And people running around rioting calling themselves Anarchists, flipping cars over, throwing molotov cocktails, etc doesn't really help matters any.


Anarchy means true freedom, but without the luxuries of many things we take for granted with our current system. To be honest, I would prefer Anarchy over the current system in the US, and I am not really even sure what that is anymore by the way things are going. America at the very least is starting to flirt more and more with the idea of socialism. And I would absolutely prefer total Anarchy over socialism, yes I would rather have NO government than live under a socialist one. I think someone like myself could thrive in Anarchy, rather than have my hands tied by taxes, laws and regulations that I might not agree with but abide by anyway or face the consequences, and socialism would do nothing but expand more taxes/laws/regulations on anything and everything.

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Yeah i looked it up on wikipedia now, but this aint solve much i fear if there is not somewhat law and order. see this kids. no ones there to teach from the heart. money has nothing to do with this values except when it goes that you use it to impose your will over others in the bad way which is happening and its causeing everyonne regardless suffering. What we need is more transparency.

A transpercy agency and more power to the people. direct votes.

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It would be ideal form of government would be a Republic. Not a Democracy. More about individual state and local governments without the federal government breathing down their necks. That way nobodies say from another state could directly effect laws and policies of another state. Some federal government would have to be in place, but would only act as a referee or an ambassador rather than the absolute authority. I believe this was the original vision for the way America could have and should have been.
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It would be ideal form of government would be a Republic. Not a Democracy. More about individual state and local governments without the federal government breathing down their necks. That way nobodies say from another state could directly effect laws and policies of another state. Some federal government would have to be in place, but would only act as a referee or an ambassador rather than the absolute authority. I believe this was the original vision for the way America could have and should have been.

I wouldn't say ideal. i would say republic is the less worst system we know.

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I wouldn't say ideal. i would say republic is the less worst system we know.

As Winston Churchill said of democracy:

"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others."


And thank you Maxwell, I do try my bestest when I rites good.


And as to the current state of European welfare states...


I think I can start counting the time until the European debt structure collapses using the big hand on my pocket watch. Say hello to continent-wide Greece! Or, if that's not alarmist enough for you, the Weimar Republic!

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America is headed in the direction of Europe, which has already proven a failed system, you just cannot fund that extensive of a welfare system without imposing draconian taxes. Taking from the one person to give to another is when the government is overstepping its bounds. And eventually you end up taking from a few, the few rich people actually left in such a system, and giving to the many, which don't have any competition in representation in the government, so they get walked over. May as well take your money and go somewhere else, and a lot of them do, and then who are they going to take the money from to fund these welfare programs after they run all the rich people out because of draconian tax rates? You cannot expect people to willingly participate in a system where they are being unfairly taxed when they have the option of moving to another country with taxes that are more reasonable. If you run all the rich people out, you run all the jobs out with them. And now you have extremely high unemployment rates, with most of them drawing unemployment or other welfare, with nobody paying much money into the system, so debt just piles up. Socialism doesn't work in theory, or on paper crunching the numbers needed to fund these programs. It fits the definition of insanity, because it has failed every time, but people keep trying the same thing and expecting a different result. Not gonna happen.
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America is headed in the direction of Europe, which has already proven a failed system, you just cannot fund that extensive of a welfare system without imposing draconian taxes. Taking from the one person to give to another is when the government is overstepping its bounds. And eventually you end up taking from a few, the few rich people actually left in such a system, and giving to the many, which don't have any competition in representation in the government, so they get walked over. May as well take your money and go somewhere else, and a lot of them do, and then who are they going to take the money from to fund these welfare programs after they run all the rich people out because of draconian tax rates? You cannot expect people to willingly participate in a system where they are being unfairly taxed when they have the option of moving to another country with taxes that are more reasonable. If you run all the rich people out, you run all the jobs out with them. And now you have extremely high unemployment rates, with most of them drawing unemployment or other welfare, with nobody paying much money into the system, so debt just piles up. Socialism doesn't work in theory, or on paper crunching the numbers needed to fund these programs. It fits the definition of insanity, because it has failed every time, but people keep trying the same thing and expecting a different result. Not gonna happen.


Your words = win.


On a related note, is anyone reminded of the events of Atlas Shrugged when they see modern society?

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o.O you fine with 365 families having 40% of the money and banks having power due to debt ???



they call themself chr... eventho they walk over their own laws everytime np lol. if theyd just follow one law it would not be this mess. so they wrote down ten LOL.....maybe just start following one in your life....tiny note like really just a tiny note...more effective then any medicine......you gotta trust the nature of you

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So, that's a no?


Really guys, if any of you would just read the OP, you'd realize that you're so far from the mark that it isn't even funny.


But please note that things like "Democracy" are NOT economic ideologies, they are systems of government, and not included in the scope of this thread.




Oh, and Hoshi: Mentioning religion WILL get this thread locked. Please don't do it again.

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So, that's a no?


Really guys, if any of you would just read the OP, you'd realize that you're so far from the mark that it isn't even funny.


But please note that things like "Democracy" are NOT economic ideologies, they are systems of government, and not included in the scope of this thread.




Oh, and Hoshi: Mentioning religion WILL get this thread locked. Please don't do it again.


That would not be that bad, I think. This is not a debate after all, and most arguments are invalid :thumbsup:

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