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Arms disappearing....


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My characters arms disappear while in first person mode while wearing the green doublet and mythril armor, I have been trying to fix this issue on my own but to no avail, I use the HGEC Female Body Replacer, I also have colourwheels full clothing and armor replacer, which is HGEC compatible but, I don't remember having this issue before, I installed these mods using OBMM, This issue happens with the green doublet shirt and Mythril armor, help!
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My first guess is the green doublet and mythril armor is for some other body. Remember, the clothing replaces the body part it covers. if the arms were included for some reason, and they were for a different body - well, that one is not there.
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My first guess is the green doublet and mythril armor is for some other body. Remember, the clothing replaces the body part it covers. if the arms were included for some reason, and they were for a different body - well, that one is not there.



I got the Mythril armor to work but the doublet still doesn't but all similar shirts do, I'm guessing your right about the shirt or its, a load order issue.

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