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Sexy Animation Problems

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I have tried so many different sexy animation mods and I still have yet to find one that works successfully!

The only one I had slight success with was the Erotic Pose Pack, but I found the system hard to use and had many many glitches.

I then tried the more advanced mods such as Goranga's prostitution mod, Sexlivion and Friends and lovers.. But they just don't seem to work.. They function around hotkeys and spells that simply don't work.

In goranga's prostitution mod the hotkeys T (to assume a seductive pose) and J don't work. Also if I can ever get the NPC to take me to a hotel the sex script doesnt work at all.. They just walk into the room and then walk straight back out again!!

With Sexlivion the "sexual temptation" spell which is meant to initiate sex doesn't work, I am not sure it is casting on the NPC's correctly. And I cannot activate the sex diary.?

+ I just downloaded friends and lovers because I was advised it would help but it does nothing .

help please


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