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Skyrim stealth guy first world problems


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Hi, (english is not my native language so..)

Actually I don't have any hope of any mod comes out because of my complains.

I just want to share my opion as a stealth player. (I know skyrim is not focus on stealth.. but still)


SO, when playing stealth I encountered a LOT of issues....


1. AI are too smart feels like they are cheating

When I play stealth I run 2 things - dagger - invisibility (spell)

As my stealth is 100lvl, plus using the invisibility. I'm almost undetectable when crouching (except when I'm too close to enemy that I touch them)

So here comes the problem If I was detected during combat, to become hidden again I have to -crouch -use invisible spell -walking aproximatly 6 to 10 meters away from my discovered location AND wait for almost half a minute... and if I DONT walk that far away, like if I only walk for about 3 to 5 meters away?

They will be wondering in your discovered location and RANDOMLY walk in your current direction!

And this is not just coincident, because this is almost the case EVERYTIME I've been noticed.

Correct me if I'm wrong, since I only know some basic coding and haven't been looking into the AI in skyrim.

It would be so good if the coding of AI can be tweaked a bit and tune down the difficulty a bit.


2. Range to target is not clear enough

Yes, this is a problem. I don't know if you guys know it or not, you can't move while attacking in stealth which cause the problem of can't adjust your range to target when want to backstab someone.

And if you get too close you get noticed.

Like me, I like playing skyrim in 90 fov, but finding a optimal range to target is quite hard in this fov.

My solutions to this are as follow:

-Add a indicator when target is in range of hitting.

-Enable movement in stealth when attacking.

thats it and thx for noticing me. I really hope someone after reading this long ass complain can agree with me.

(I did not proof-read so don't throw bananas at me for any mistake)

Edited by llib
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