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Race change problem


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Ok, i have some questions again :smile: After playing with one character i have decided to change the race, i DON'T want my skills to reset, so i do this:

Press ~ and enter 'showracemenu', after that i leave console open and change my race, i don't press done and save my game, after that i load it. Everything's k, but the question is:


My previous race from Xenius Race Comp. (Vampire) had some nice special spells, like chameleon and some other which come with a race abilities. My new race - MoonShadow Elves also have some spells and abilities, but after changing race as described above, no spells can be seen in a spell window... If i start a new game, they are added auto when i select race... But changing race with console, no spells and abilities are added... What's the problem? How to make them appear? Reset somehow or what?

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You could use Player.AddSpell XX000000 for all the spells and abilities you need. It could be a pain, but if you change characters in the middle of a game, it is bound to be messy. If you were good with the CS, but bad with console codes, you could make a small mod where you touch an object in the gameworld which adds all those spells and abilities to you in one fell swoop.
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