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A Probably Simple Request


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Alright, I have one or two things to request, and they might have already been made. My first request: Is there any sort of thing that you have a lowered resistance to radiation? It annoys me that you can withstand 1000 Rads. I was hoping someone could make something where you can only stand 100, and the different rad poisoning levels were dropped by the same rate. 25, 50, and 75. Also, is there anything out there where it makes a semi-constant sand storm or something of the sort? I want there to be something blowing in the air in some parts, it really makes it feel cinematic, especially when you have goggles and a surgical mask. On the topic of surgical masks, is there something out there that makes more of a facemask? I've seen it in a DC Chronicles episode, I just don't remember if they linked/credited the mod, or if they did what it was.
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Is a "rad" some kind of official unit of measure? If not, I don't see what you gain by taking everything down proportionally. Everything will be the same as before, just displaying lower numbers.

In the game they go by rads? I'm just saying that if you take down everything by numbers, that's okay, because accomplishes another issue I had with extremely high rad hot spots. Swimming would really only get you 3 tenths a second, so then you can swim for ten seconds and gather three rads. I think smaller display numbers would be just as accomplishing. It would help with realism. According to Mythbusters, aroudn15 rads you're screwed. So humans could've evolved after so much time in the wastes, especially since your dad was originally from the wastes.

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