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Oblivion XP and Unnecessary Violence


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well. you need to look at the deadly reflex quest lines i quoted to fully understand. if you just put in a line of "set health to 0" for any npc, then the npc will have just... died. they wont have been killed by the player. thats the issue with oblivion XP and UV. UV kills the mob, but doesnt say that you killed it. (the fact that your kill counter doesnt go up is a symptom of the problem. because ob XP looks for the killshot to dish out XP, you need to change how UV is killing them. im not 100% sure how to fix it.. and most likely a lot of even the advanced scripters would have to think for a bit to chunk this one out. not alot of people have developed successful combat scripts, (theres really only DR and UV) and they both act waaay outside of what the CS on top of gamebyro was designed to do. what im saying is that your walking into uncharted territory. i took a look into fixing it, and i gave up. lol. but that doesnt mean you should. just download DR (if you dont have it) and try to follow it through from a shield bash (or an npc attack, like an impale down) from start to finish, through the script. get the hang of it, and the logic of it.. and when you understand how skycaptian is getting that final result in the way he is, try to apply it to UV. at the end of the day all you need to release is a seperate .esp that mods the UV script. working on this is going to be 90% figuring it out and 10% fixing it. and i wish you the best of luck. cause if you do fix it, youll have kudos from a lot of people.

how DR looks into quests if if an action is confirmed to be happening, ie, an impale, it sets a variable that is usually 0 to 1. the quest if then built on "if ___ is 1" and then it has the list of actions. these are done as a quest script.

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Ok I got it to count your kills in misc stats, but still no dice on the 2 damage scripts, he also misspelled armor and used the euro spelling of armor (armour) which cause some problems too, but I can't seem to get OBXP to pick up on it...this is ridiculous...but I'll keep tryin
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just a nuts out random guess at something you could try. why not try working around the problem altogether? maybe get the script to spawn a baddie in a cell like the testinghall, and then kill it with a player based kill command. as long as you can get the script to pull the mob your trying to kills' health, you can spawn a leveled mob (preferably one that wouldnt leave a corpse) and then instakill it. that would be a very hot fix, and fairly inefficient, but it could do the trick in a pinch. besides, that way you dont have to worry about breaking UV's code.
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  • 3 months later...

I love both OBXP and UV, but I just now realized I went through a whole dungeon and didn't get any xp for it because I was killing with my off-hand weapon.


It's been awhile since the last update on this post -- any chance of a patch coming, or should we just wait until the new UV comes out?

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