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Skyrim Werewolf in New Vegas?


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This seems like a bit of a technical stretch to me as far as its feasibility, but is it at all possible to uproot the "werewolf transformation" stuff from Skyrim and put it into New Vegas, as well as somehow making the copious amount of werewolf-related mods usable in New Vegas? Even if it's just the basic werewolf stuff from Skyrim I'd be pretty happy, but I don't have any idea about the difficulty of transferring the werewolf programs from Skyrim to New Vegas. I would hazard that theoretically it's not as much of a technical headache as I'm making it out to be because they're both Bethesda games and likely have a similar skeleton of code, but at the same time I have no idea how to mod stuff so I'm also talking out of my ass at the moment.


ANYWAYS! Is transferring the werewolf transformation mechanics from Skyrim to New Vegas at all feasible, yay/nay, and if so would anyone think they could take a crack at it?



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