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Fast Travel problem


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Well where ever i am outdoors when i go on the map to fast travel anywhere it says you cant fast travel from this location no enemies nearby at all i tried alot of locations even in cities and it keeps saying "fast travelings is not possible from this location is it possible that DarkUI could have caused this cause i dont know if i had the issue before i installed it yesterday or not but i think that i dint had the issue two days ago and running long distances is getting annoying even though i can run fast thanks to a item i have
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If it is Dark UI I would guess its a conflict or you didn't install it properly. I've used it for an age and never had any problems with it, either when fast travelling or anything else, beyond the fact it doesn't like formidfinder. Long story.

I'm wondering if you picked up a dodgy mod thats telling your game you're always inside, but I don't think I've ever heard of anythin like that for Oblivion, though I have seen it elsewhere.

A lot of mods can change simple settings that they are not supposed to touch without even the author ever noticing, so a load order article might help someone spot something thats a bit dodgy.

Was Dark UI the only mod you installed yesterday?


And, silly question that I forgot: Did you install Dark through OMOD? Cause if you didn't,, read the read me. You need to make some changes to your .ini



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besides Dark UI the only thing i can remember installed a spell mod created by a friend but i had the issue of fast traveling before that so no idea what caused it i dint install the No Quest Added popup guess ill do it then anyway and yeah i installed it true OMOD cause i had no desire to tangle with things i have no knowledge off




well installing that no quest thing dint help fix the problem either

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Some mods intentionally disable fast travel, either temporarily until you finish a quest stage (the modder wants you to walk the distance, not skip straight to the end of the quest stage by fast travelling), or permanently (which would have course only happen with a mod labelled as a Fast Travel Disabling mod). Are you in the middle of any mod-added quests requiring you to travel from one place to another? That's the most likely cause - you haven't reached the destination yet so the quest is incomplete.
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the only new mission i had i completed already and that was before the issue occured so it has to be something else but i dont see any new quests besides the other i perhaps have an idea if there is a "quest" i need to do what it is but if i'm wrong is there any way to fix it?
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Well, yeah, there's ways to fix anything, but to do it you'd need to know exactly what's causing it. Unfortunately, just turning mods off and on at will likely won't fix this, even if you do turn the correct mod off, as its already changed your save. The mod would need to be removed completely & then a clean save made.

If finishing that mission doesn't help, that load order list might. If you're unsure how to post one, Bben has an article on it on the Nexus file servers.


Good Luck.


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No problem matey. We've all been there. And a lot of us wouldn't have gotten half as far as we have without the help of those more experienced or perhaps (for me at least) just better at this kinda stuff than we are. I know a lotta folks who are better at it than I am. heh heh.

Anyways - the articles section isn't on the forums. Its on the Nexus Download servers, one of the lil selections in the windows on the right, about half way down, or here. There's a whole lotta useful stuff in there. :)

The specific one I was meaning is this one which tells you how to post a load order list so others can see your list of mods and current load orders, and help spot any potential problem mods or mod conflicts.


Good Luck, mate.


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ow well thanks well here it is





Open Cities Resources.esm






Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp


Shield on Back 3.1.esp




Advent Children Tsurugi.esp


Dark Dragon Armor.esp


Dreadweave Complete_Heavy.esp

Dreadweave Complete_Light.esp

Lich King's Helm v1_0.esp

New Frostmourne Sword by Jojjo v1_0.esp

Silverlight Armor by Jojjo.esp

Roberts Armamentium female.esp

Imperial Armor Replace.esp






Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp





Open Cities Outer Districts.esp

Open Cities Full + Leyawiin Reborn.esp


DeathKightSpells v1_3.esp

Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed Block and 250% damage.esp

DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp

DMC Stylish - Specialanims.esp

Jjiinx_Long Ears.esp

Elves Of Lineage II.esp

Assassins Creed - Altair's Gear - Light Armor.esp

Assassins Creed - Altair's Gear - Heavy Armor.esp


_Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp



Open Cities LR Road Record.esp


BW Armor.esp


grim reaper all.esp




FF7 Blades Complete.esp


Nude Humanlike Spriggan Tweaked.esp

Benirus Manor 4 Better Cities.esp

Bigger Nords & Orcs.esp


WWF - Gloom.esp







Warglaives by Jojjo v1.0.SoB.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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to William Lionheart:

If you use a plugin "Addon for Shield on Back v31" v 2.4, delete file Shield on Back 3.1.esp!

If you use a plugin "Addon for Shield on Back v31" v 3.x, delete files Shield on Back 3.1.esp and ShieldOnBack_1C.esp


Delete file Assassins Creed - Altair's Gear - Light Armor.esp OR Assassins Creed - Altair's Gear - Heavy Armor.esp! Use only ONE.

Delete file Dreadweave Complete_Heavy.esp OR Dreadweave Complete_Light.esp! Use only ONE.

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