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Perk Not Showing


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I choose to sound like an idiot...



I have this mod, and i made a perk, and i clicked the playable thing.. but it wont show up.


P.s. does anyone know how to make a perk add itsefl to a pc or npc if theyre a certain race? and to make it a constant effect that affects you 100% of the time, like regeneration?



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Show up where? In the list of perks when you level up? Post a pic of your perk page (try to say that 5 times fast).


Give some specific detail of what you are trying to accomplish with your second question. Gerneral questions get answered gererally, so my answer would be: I would think that someone know how. Though auto adding may be a bit tough to do. It all depends on what you want to accomplish. More details please.

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Show up where? In the list of perks when you level up? Post a pic of your perk page (try to say that 5 times fast).


Give some specific detail of what you are trying to accomplish with your second question. Gerneral questions get answered gererally, so my answer would be: I would think that someone know how. Though auto adding may be a bit tough to do. It all depends on what you want to accomplish. More details please.

i know it'll work when it shows up.. but that i mean adding a perk as soon as you choose a race.


a perk thats automatically added to your character due to your race.

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I still don't know where the perk isn't showing up. I am assuming you mean on the level up screen. Again, post a pic of your perk data page.


If you want a perk to be automativally added to the player when he chooses a race at the begining of the game, do this:


Create a quest that is start game enabled. Make a quest script for it. Have the quest script check the race of the player, if the race matches what you are looking for, add the perk to the player. Then stop the quest.

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