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[WIP] "A Fork in the Road" / Companion Mod


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Yeah, I did think about that. The thing is, I had the story in mind first, and that always started at Cottonwood Cove, otherwise it won't make much sense. It has to be in Legion territory. It's a good point, and people may miss a lot if they get him halfway through the game. But I guess having the mod in mind they'd just have to make a detour first to recruit the companion. Not perfect, but I won't change the starting location.

Thanks for the interest, really appreciate it.

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Arcade is pretty far into the game if you follow the main storyline too, no one's ever really had a problem with it, I certainly haven't. No reason to sacrifice plot for the sake of convenience.

1, no one has a problem with it because his quest is like one of the last available (as in him and his quest-line are made to be late in the game).

2, He is not a "smart" companion like this. There are about 7-10 quest and events that the mod author has to cross off as possibilities for dialogue because you cannot have gotten to Cottonwood cove without doing them (or activating them if they are events). not really a problem, just an observation. This situation (companion set up) isn't even remotely comparable to Arcade's BTW.

Edited by blaze1514
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I have excluded quests that take place in Primm, Goodsprings, Novac and Nipton and main story quests before you reach Vegas. If I had started out trying to make a companion mod I would have probably put him somewhere earlier. But this just started as simple quest mod, then I decided to expand on it and make the quest giver a possible companion. Even his observations and interferences are something I added later on, after deciding to give him a quest of his own. So they're not a top priority, just something I've been having a lot of fun making, so I'll just keep adding them as long as the ideas are coming.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been almost a month, so I thought a bit of an update was in order. Have had a lot on my plate recently, so not too much progress on the mod the past weeks, but I'm just getting back into it the past few days, started to work on the companion quest. The first act of the mod still needs some polishing, but it's about 95% done. Constantly getting and adding voicework, and every now and then I add some new companion interaction with quests, environments etc, so slowly but surely we're getting there. Appreciate all the support!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Been a long while, but it's been a productive while. Companion remarks and intejections are about halfway done, so far they add up to about 250 lines. The companion quest is also well underway. I'll dare to make an estimation about the mod's release date, hopefully it'll be around August. Hopefully. I'll definitely try not to push it back beyond September. All of the companion barks and detections and combat lines etc are written, along with a good deal of the questions and conversations.

I might post a clip or two in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone who's shown some interest in this, really looking forward to releasing it, won't rush it, though.

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Maybe this is just a personal preference, but might I suggest removing the notifications of your current reputation with the companion? I think that it is kind of annoying and breaks immersion. Also, this could make the interactions and consequences more subtle and less intrusive and in your face. Either way, I can't wait to see the final product. It looks and sounds great so far. Best of luck to you!

Edited by TheBlueKidd
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