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OMFG - Discussion and Requests


13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which weapon should be added next to OMFG?

    • XM8-C (SMG/Rifle hybrid)
    • G3KA4 (Marksman's rifle)
    • AMT Automag (High caliber pistol)
    • AW-50F (Bolt-action sniper rifle)
    • AEK-918 (Submachine gun)

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Okay guys, how's it going. My mod, OMFG - Ongoing Modification of Firearms and Guns has recently been uploaded (and, I'm proud to say, has made it into File of The Month!) and has had some success and I feel people have enjoyed it. However as you can see I've set up a poll with the choices of what guns I should texture for the next version.


Most if not all of these weapons should make it into OMFG eventually. But it's a matter of which ones I should make first. So please vote and if you haven't already, try out my mod, and I'll be more encouraged to get this mod out there to the Nexus.


Weapon list as-is, not all are included in latest version:


Magpul Masada (ACR prototype)

AEK-919 (Compact machine pistol)

AMD-65 (Hungarian assault rifle)

M9 (Compact sidearm)

M93 Raffica (Burst-fire machine pistol)



Download OMFG



Another note before I finish, please do not ask me for stupidly common guns like M4s, AK47s and Desert Eagles. I like modding cool, unique guns, not some common garbage from every modern FPS. This is Fallout, not bloody CS:S!



Now some pics for the poll guns.









Thanks guys! :thumbsup:

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That snipers barrel is lol tastic. But fallout could use some decent hand guns. The 10mm is ok for starting out, but then you find the .32 is a peice of crap and so is the Chinese pistol. Unless I'm mistaken. The only good pistol is the laser one, which looks like a brick, a cool, laser firing brick, but still a brick.


Theres already loads of assualt rifle and sniper, AND smg mods. Not many pistols I dont think.


Auto Mag ftw!

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AMT Automag FTW. FO3 needs more of 2 things:

-Pistols (I don't mean M9 berettas or Glocks... Stuff like your idea of the automag, fresh things)

-Big guns (Rocket launchers mostly, there's ONE good one on nexus -the RPG7-, 20th CW has that unfinished LAW and that's all the new launchers)

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Definitely agree with the above. Pistols, heavy weapons, more laser weapons would be nice. There's too many assault and automatic weapons as it is, plus there's a good deal of rifles.
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However I'd say launchers are? The javelin might be a bit overboard, but there are others out there right?

Javelin? There is no Javelin. There's the Vanilla weapon, the RPG 7, the Unfinished 20thCW LAW and that is it. All of them I have ever found and ever will without any being added (Unless F3 underground has 685685 illegal ports). I mean there are enough grenade launchers IMO (all these underbarrel ones, a couple of M79s, several custom-modelled ones and a few of the modern A35 style ones) but there are very few decent Missile launchers. You have the hand-held cannons (auto and not) but those are a bit too crazy for most of us (without power armour).


Pistols are mostly the same cast of 9mm,10mm or .45 semi-automatics, then a sprinkling of .357 and .44 revolvers(of varying quality) plus the ever-present (and acceptable in Fallout) Desert eagles. Nothing very interesting though, most are presennt-day sidearms of the same class with a few more interesting pieces.


Then you have assault rifles. There are out there, all the assault rifles your little small-arms enthusiast heart could ever hope for. AKs! FALs! L85s! M16s(unfortunately)! G3s! FAMAS! All sorts of wonderful varieties of automatic rifles from the BAR to the BizzARe. Snipers are the same, thanks to some mods most of thse spill over into hunting rifles too. 20thCW gives you a good pool of a dozen or so of bolt-action rifles with and without all those attatchments. Added to the other weapons here on nexus and if a sniper can't find his chosen weapon it's because it's hiden in the pile. Same thing for LMGs, everything from an Archaeic Lewis gun ported by Toxa's Arsenal mod to crazy variations of the modern 'tactical' variety. A small guns lover has all he could desire, from automatic arms to stealthy snipers. Except a non-cliche sidearm to go with it.


Big guns have been neglected a little, sure LMGs and some of these .50 snipers fall into that skill but not because they were designed too. We have no good Mortar or new missile or rocket launcher, there's one good minigun I know of that isn't a replacer or 'classic' edit. And that's in the STALKER Arsenal Mod port.


Energy weapons are slightly better, you have cut-together Laser SMGs and the Gauss weapons that are really small guns, there are a few more interesting weapons (Especially in EVE with the pulse pistol/rifle and the other new weapons).


In short:

-Standard sidearms (9 or 10mm/ .45)? check

-Assault rifles? check

-Sniper rifles? check

-LMGs? check

-Bolt action rifles? check

-SMGs? check

-Energy weapons? I suppose this could do for now....

-Big guns? Man... this gap is so big I could build a town in it!

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Hmm... Big guns. Okay. Well there are several eligible launchers on FPSB that could be used, namely an RPG-7 and a LAW. The problem is in terms of animations, all of the shoulder-mounted guns have diagonal foregrips going off to the side. I guess I could heavily modify the RPG to do that? If anyone has ideas then they would help a lot. I think I'll definitely do the RPG.


As for energy weapons... What kind of energy weapons would you people like to see? I mean, there's already EVE which adds loads of cool stuff, but as I said I want something awesome and unique.

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Here's a couple of ideas for you.

These are all based on theoretical concepts


Sliver gun, this uses a simple concept of feeding a polycarbonate block into a high speed flywheel.

The polycarbonate block is designed to fragment into long thin slivers as it is ground down by the fly wheel, the action of which will cause the slivers to be flung out.

The result, a short range hail-o-death ;) as every pull of the trigger will feed the polycarbonate block into the fly wheel releaseing a stream/cloud of sharp shards.


Arc gun, fire lightning bolts at your enemies.

This weapon consists of two relative low wattage lasers tuned to the ultraviolet frequences and a big capacitor, when you pull the trigger the two lasers fire beam in parallel to each other, these are not designed to damage the target but to ionize the air, thus creating two paths for the capacitor to discharge, through the target.


Electrothermal-chemical technology, why use cordite to propell a hunk of lead when you can use plasma?

Basic concept here, replace the solid porpellent with a liquid (methanol) apply a high ampage electrical shock to it and you can ionise it, ie destablise the molecules to form plasma, this state change happens far more quickly solid propellent burning generateing a far higher pressure.

As ionized plasma is also highly electromagnetic this expanding plasma can also be pulled along the barrel with electromagnetic feilds (in the same way a gauss gun works) this allows the high pressure to be maintained for the whole time the bullet is traveling along the barrel.

End result, double the muzzle energy.


Tank-breaker rocket launcher, redesigned as an anti-personel weapon.

The basic concept is that while tanks have thick slopeing armour on their sides the top is flat and relatively thin, so instead of the rocket flying stright at the target it, flies up in an arc and comes down on the target from directly overhead.

The key point here is that the weapon predetermines the flight path based on the range, the soldier just points the launcher at the target and pulls the trigger, no need to angle it up.

This should work well as an antipersonnel concept for a game because even if it misses it should still land close by the target thus catching the target in the blast and not just flying off into the distance.

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Arc gun, fire lightning bolts at your enemies.

This weapon consists of two relative low wattage lasers tuned to the ultraviolet frequences and a big capacitor, when you pull the trigger the two lasers fire beam in parallel to each other, these are not designed to damage the target but to ionize the air, thus creating two paths for the capacitor to discharge, through the target.

Sounds a lot like a Red-Alert style Shock Rifle. I like.


RPG has been done but a good quality one would always be welcome.


Also: http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/40302 would be very much appreciated. You could probably just rotate it 30 or so degrees to fit the hands and add the funny handrail from the vanilla launcher onto it.

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Well there's been a recent-ish update which fully incorporates the M9 and M93 Raffica, and the Raffica uses Kerededyh's burst fire weapon script, so thanks to him for that.


Thanks Pob225 for the suggestions, the sliver gun is a great idea as is the Arc gun. Those are some things that may work good with some custom models.


However, at the moment I'm getting some various ideas. The first of all is an alt-fire weapon system, added to all the vanilla weapons. These will be added via FOSE, and will more-or-less apply to all guns apart from small guns ballistic weapons (IE. ARs, pistols, SMGs, snipers etc.) and I need an alt-fire idea suited to every weapon in the game. Alt fires for weapons so far:


Combat Shotgun: An improvised frag grenade which has a medium radius with high damage. However the slug weighs a lot, and therefore heavy aim compensation will be required.

Experimental MIRV: Timed tactical nuke. Fires a mini nuclear bomb on a ten-second timer which deals massive damage and radiation over a large area. Can be used tactically to block off areas to enemies.

Laser Rifle: A laser 'mortar'. A small blob of energy is fired from the weapon, requires the combined power of ten MF cells. Has a large radius and large damage.

Plasma Rifle: Plasma shotgun. Very short range yet lethal damage, very large spread. Uses combined power of three MF cells.

Minigun: Dual shot. Will fire at a lower rate, have higher spread, however it will fire two projectiles at once.

Tesla Cannon (BS): Tesla mortar. Long range, very powerful explosion.

Metal Blaster (Pitt): Laser blast. High-wattage laser beam, moderate area of effect. High, precise damage.



My next idea is a railgun constructed from scraps and an old rifle. I'm open to suggestion as to what this rifle should be.



Thanks for your time, everyone.

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