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Sound randomly reverses


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First of all, greetings to the mod community, i'm glad I was able to post this here and I want to thank all of you and the Skyrim community for reading this (those of you would do, of course).


So I have an issue that isn't resulting in a CTD and in all honesty isn't causing any massive technical issues other then it being more of an annoyance. I can play Skyrim for quite some time, I have a large number of mods installed but this happens with a fresh install and otherwise modded all to Oblivion and back. The issue is this, my sound randomly switches side from time to time. The sound in my left headset sometimes goes to the right headset and vice versa. I did look this up in the forums and used google but the only thing I found had something to do with turning my sound quality down and changing it some... it doesn't help. I don't know what does this, nor do I have any idea what could be causing it and in fact wonder if it may be more of a PC issue then anything else. All it's honestly forcing me to do is.... put my headphones on backwards :(


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance and good day

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