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Mod Installation Help

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Ok, I've recently had an urge to play Fallout again and want to try out some mods. I've seen a much and it seems like there is a hell of a lot of stuff to do for each mod so hopefully someone will be nice and help me out.


I have the script extender and the mod manager installed already.


I want FWE, FOOK, MMM, CFW, WMK, and uh I guess EVE as well. Don't mind either way on EVE though. Are there any others that I should consider getting?


Is there anything I need to download besides these mods? Like if I just install them individually will I be good to go or what?

Also, will the mod manager do it's thing and get the load order fine or should I do it manually. If so, can someone tell me a load order?


Is there anything else I need to know to get these up and running? I'm pretty lost right now.


Sorry for being such a n00b.

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Ive also heard FWE, FOOK2 and MMM dont play nice together. Its due to those 3 mods all changing things each other wants to change and thus conflicts arise. I recommend leaving out FWE and EVE (eve is included in fook 2). You will need two other support mods like FOSE and FOMM. They are FOedit and Archiveinvalidate. Just chuck Ainvalidate in you install folder, double click it to activate and thats it. FOedit helps find conflicts with your mods, very useful.


I would then recommend FOOK 2 and MMM to start with. Add these 4 'baseline' mods before that tho. And before you do any of the above, make a backup of you fallout.ini usually located in documents/my games/fallout3 and a backup of your entire fallout 3 folder usually located in c/program files/fallout3.


The 4 baseline mods are Listed below.


http://forums.bethsoft.com/?showtopic=967619 This will give you a new UI hud, much more attractive then the default. Download the FOMOD version. FOMOD is a much simpler version of the mod, instead of sticking files in meshes and textures, you put the fmod version into the fomm/mods folder, and activate, simples!


http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6492 Combat Enhanced tactics, read instructions for instillation.


http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1854 Sprint mod, read instructions for instillation.



http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7670 Fallout Re-animated, read instructions for instillation.



From here add FOOK2 and MMM then just experiment with other mods. I tend to go to the major mod makers official websites to check out the bugs/incompatibility sections before I go installing new mods. And remember an FOMOD just means its a much simpler version of the mod that goes in the program files/fallout3/fomm/mods folder, you then activate it in the fomm 'package manager' and thats all there is to it.



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