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Upgrading Items, Dark Souls Style


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If you've played Skyrim and maxed out your Smithing skills. you'll probably remember the ability to upgrade your gear from normal to legendary with just one ingot or one set of upgrade materials

now, for some, this method may be enjoyable, but for me, it's quite disappointing, on two levels

first, don't you hate the added word in the name of the weapon?? especially with named items or self enchanted items you named


now, i don't recall seeing a mod like this, but what i suggest is an upgrading system like in Dark Souls

instead of an added word, you'll get a numerical value, so instead of Iron Sword [Legendary], you'll get Iron Sword +10 or something like that

second, you'll have to upgrade the weapon one level at a time, and if possible, with increased material requirements, to really make you consider which weapon to upgrade, just like in the Souls games


if such a mod already exists, than by all means point me to it

if it's something that is easy to do, and someone can explain to me how, i'll be more than glad to do this myself, i just haven't touched Skyrim in terms of modding (though i've done some modding with Oblivion and the Fallouts)


anyhow, thanks for reading, and i hope this gets the attention of the right person

have a wonderful day


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