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You cannot leave the Arena?

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Did you make your own mod? Cuz this has to be a mod problem - somehow the arena door script got attached to other doors in your game

If you did make your own mods i suggest you disable those to

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Word of warning... if you saved after this started happening, you still won't be able to go anywhere, methinks. The game already thinks you are in the arena and in a fight (technically you shouldn't have been able to save the game then, I know, but it never quite works just as it should, does it? ;) )

Try loading a different save with the mods enabled and see if you still can't go through any doors. Then exit (without saving!) and disable them, and see if you now can.

Its a pain in the backside, I know, but such is the way Oblivion saves games. It remembers pretty much everything, even (and especially) things it really doesn't have to.


Good Luck.


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