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Retrieving the list of learned recipes


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Hello all together!


When adding a recipe to the inventory with

object learned = CreateItemOnObject(R"gxa_im_cft_run_110.uti", OBJECT_SELF, 1, "", FALSE);
if (GetObjectType(learned) != OBJECT_TYPE_INVALID) {
   DisplayStatusMessage("You learned Journeyman Barrier Rune Tracing.");

the "item received" message is not shown. Neither is the message from the script shown, what means that the type of the object "learned" is INVALID.

The recipe is in the book though.

It seems that as soon as a recipe item is added to the inventory it looses its item state and is converted to something else.


When looking at a save game, I also see that learned recipes are not stored as normal items, but in SAVEGAME_PARTYLIST\\SAVEGAME_CRAFTING_RECIPE_LIST with a reference to the ID of the recipe in crafting_recipes.gda.


Does anybody know how to retrieve the list of recipes the party has learned inside a script?


Many thanks in advance and best regards!


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